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                                         By-Laws of Ghost Hunters Incorporated

                                                           ARTICLE I 


Section 1. This paranormal team shall be named, known and styled as: GHOST HUNTERS INCORPORATED 

                                                           ARTICLE II 


Section 1. The purpose of this paranormal team shall be to further the interest of paranornormal research, assist and help clients to understand the causes of alledged "hauntings". To provide as much genuine paranormal evidence to the paranormal community as possible, via adequate means . To promote a fraternal spirit among others interested in the paranormal. 

                                                             ARTICLE II


Section 1. The membership of this paranormal team shall consist of persons,male or female, regardless of race, creed, color, or nationality that has a genuine interest in the paranormal field of research.

Section 2. There shall be two (2) classes of membership, viz:

A. FULL MEMBERS: Those persons eighteen (18) years of age or more, who are interested in the field of paranormal research, study and investigations. Full members are allowed to, make suggestions,comments, etc. to improve the professionalism of the team. Full members have full voting priviledges in team matters.

B. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: Those persons eighteen(18) years of age or more that apply for membership after having applied for membership with the team. Associate members are allowed to, make suggestions,comments, etc. to improve the professionalism of the team, Associate members shall also be expected to be able to attend all team functions when requested.

Section 3. A member's class of membership may be redefined by the Founder, Assistant Director and the Case Co-ordinator in relation to the requirements or the best interest of the team as a body. 

                                                           ARTICLE IV 


Section 1. The principal office of this team shall be located at the place of residence of the Founder,Assistant Director or the Case Co-ordinator as related to the nature of business in relation to the team. In general, the team will be based in Sinking Spring, Berks County,Pa. 

                                                             ARTICLE V

Section 1. A general team meeting shall be held on a quarterly basis.
Section 2. In retrorepect to a meeting place, all meetings shall be held halfway (½) between the Sinking Spring location and that of the fartherest member
Section 3. Special meetings of the team may be called by the Founder or Assistant Director at times deemed necessary or upon a written request by any FULL MEMBER of the team. 

                                                              ARTICLE VI

 Section 1. The officials of this team shall be Founder, Assistant Director, Case Co-ordinator and Secretary/Treasure(in future).
                                                               ARTICLE VII

                                                              Majority Vote

Section 1. A simple majority of the teams' FULL MEMBERSHIP present and voting shall be required to pass any motion at any team meeting.

                                                                  ARTICLE VIII

                                                   Rights and Obligations of Members

Section 1. Each full member shall be entitled to one (1) vote on each matter submitted to a vote at the quarterly meetings. Associate Members do not have voting power.

                                                                   ARTICLE IX 


Section 1. The Full Members of this team may, by a majority vote of the Full Members present and voting, alter or amend these Bylaws at any quarterly meeting.

                                                                    ARTICLE X 

                                                            Adoption of Bylaws

Section 1. These Bylaws shall be adopted by a majority vote by Full Members present and voting at the time of its' proposal to the team for ratification.

Section 2. The Bylaws shall be in full force and effective immediately upon their adoption as set forth in Section 1.

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