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Afterlife - One of the several terms used interchangeably to refer to life after death. The word"afterlife"has been used since 1615,& is generic enough to use in almost any setting & culture. Other terms include"crossing over","the Other World",and"the other side." Most paranormal investigators avoid such religious terms such as "heaven" when discussing ghosts,hauntings, & an afterlife.

 Anomaly - Something that is out of place & unexplained. In paranormal studies, it refers to any phenomena that we cannot explain.

 Apparition - Since the early 17th century, this refers to any ghost that seems to have substance. If it appears in any physical form,including a vapor like image,may be called an apparition.

 Clearing - Ridding an area of lingering unpleasant energy.  It does not"KILL" a ghost.  Space clearing may encourage ghosts to cross over, or at least leave the haunted location.

 EMF - Electromagnetic Field or Electromagnetic Frequency As the name suggest,it's a combination of electrical & magnetic fields. You'll find high emf levels around fuse boxes,electrical outlets,computer monitors,etc. Unexplained EMF fields can be measured with various tools ,including an emf meter or a hiking compass.

 Entity - Any being,including people and ghosts.

 E.V.P. - Electronic Voice Phenomena...the recording of unexplained disembodied voices, usually in haunted settings.

 Going Dark - A term used by paranormal investigators/ghost hunters meaning,"turn out the lights",often referred to as "lights out"'"let's go dark",etc. Many paranormal investigators/ghost hunters prefer to conduct their investigations during "peak" evening hours (midnight to 4 a.m.) when most paranormal activity is said to occur. This time period seems to have been put forth in the 1970s.

 Ghost - A sentient entity or spirit that visits or lingers in our world,after he/she lived among us as a human being. We've also seen evidence of ghostly animals & pets.

 Haunted - Describes a setting where ghosts,poltergeist,and/or residual energy seem to produce significant paranormal activity.The word"haunt"originally meant to frequent.

 Interviews- methods used to collect testimony and stories from witnesses, often compiled into a computer database for further study. Some groups also research the history of a location in hopes of learning more about past events and individuals associated with the site.

 Medium - Someone who can communicate between our world & the other side.

 Orb - A roundish,whitish or pastel-colored translucent area in photos. Rarely seen in real life.  Generally,these are perfectly circular,not oval. Many researchers believe that they represent spirits or ghost.

 Ouija - From the French & German words for"yes", this a spelling board used with a plachette. The device is intended to communicate with & through the spirit world, obtaining answers to questions. Many paranormal investigators do not include them in scientific investigations.

 Paranormal - The prefix,"para"indicates something that is irregular,fautly,or operating outside the usual boundries. So,"paranormal" refers to anything outside the realm & experiences we call normal.

 Parapsychology - The study of mental abilities & effects outside the usual realm of psychology. Parapsychology includes the study of ESP,ghost,luck,psychokenesis,& other paranormal phenomena.

 Pendulum - A small weight at the end of a cord or chain that is about 6-10 inches long. The movement of the weight,when uninfluenced by other factors,be used to detect areas of paranormal energy.

 Physical Manipulation - Occurs when an object of some sort is moved by a ghost or spirit.    Examples:lights being turned on or off, furniture being moved,as well as any other type of smaller objects that may be moved from one place to another without any type of human interaction.

 Poltergeist - From German meaning"noisy ghost",this term has been used since the early 19th century to mean a spirit that makes noise,or otherwise plays pranks....often annoying. Many psychologist believe poltergeists are not ghost at all,but some form of psychokinesis or remote activity.

 Portal - Literally,a doorway or gateway,this term suggest a specific location through which spirits enter & leave our world. When there are multiple phenomena in a confined area,this is known as a"ghost portal".

 Protection -Objects,rituals,routines,tactics,or processes through you guard yourself against psychic,demons,or paranormal intrusions & effects.

 Psychic - From the Greek work meaning of the soul,or life,this word usually refers to the world outside the domain of the physical law. "Psychic"can  relate to the spirit or mind,depending upon the context. When someone is described as a psychic,it means that he/she is able to percieve things outside traditional physical laws & perception.

 Residual Energy - Many ghost hunters believe emotionally charged events leave an imprint or energy residue on the physical objects nearby. What distinguishes residual energy from an active haunting is that the energy/impressions repeat consistently,as if on a loop. The energy levels may increase or decrease,but the content remains the same with each manifestation. By contrast,in what we term an active haunting,the ghost may respond to environmental stimuli & direct contact.

 Spirit - This word comes from Latin meaning,"that which breathes". It means that which animates life,or the soul of the being. 

 Vortex - Since the time of Descartes,this has indicated the rotation of cosmic energy around a central point or axis. Beginning in the mid-19th century.the word"vortex"has meant any whirling movement of energy or particles. 



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